Monday, 21 May 2012

Advanced Price Action Trading Course

The Price Action course contains everything that I continue to use to trade the markets with to this day. All my thoughts and knowledge of trading has been included in the downloadable document. 

You will learn exactly how I assess the markets and enter high probability Price Action setups. These are the same strategies that the big guys trade the markets with day in and day out.  Other indicators and black box systems only work for short amounts of time before the market changes or other traders find the edge and close it. Price Action trading is not some fad or fancy indicator. Price Action will be around as long as we have charts to look at.

The course also includes information on everything needed to succeed in the Forex markets from trading  psychology, money management techniques and how to protect your capital, developing a trading plan and setting trading goals.

The Price Action course is available for members to view 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.